RWANDA - Demographic Health Survey 2010
Reference ID | RWA-NISR-DHS-2010-v01 |
Year | 2010 - 2011 |
Country | RWANDA |
Producer(s) | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda NISR - MINECOFIN |
Sponsor(s) | The government of Rwanda - - United States Agency for International Development - USAID - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - CDC - United Nations Children’s Fund - UNICEF - United Nations Population Fund - UNFPA - |
Collection(s) | |
Metadata |
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Created on
Aug 01, 2012
Last modified
Feb 27, 2013
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Data File: Woman
Cases | 13790 |
Variable(s) | 871 |
Name | Label | Question | |
D118A | Husband/partner: Person who-NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118B | Mother: Person who hurt res-NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118C | Father/step-father: Person -NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118D | Daughter/son: Person who hu-NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118E | Son alone: Person who hurt -NA | ||
D118F | Sister/brother: Person who -NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118G | Other relative: Person who -NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118H | Other female family: Person-NA | ||
D118I | Other male family: Person w-NA | ||
D118J | Former husband/partner: Per-NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118K | Current boyfriend: Person w-NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118L | Former boyfriend: Person wh-NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118M | Step-mother: Person who hur-NA | ||
D118N | Step-father: Person who hur-NA | ||
D118O | Mother-in-law: Person who h-NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118P | Father-in-law: Person who h-NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118Q | Other in-law: Person who hu-NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118R | Other female/male in-law: P-NA | ||
D118S | Female friend: Person who h-NA | ||
D118T | Male friend: Person who hur-NA | ||
D118U | Neighbor: Person who hurt r-NA | ||
D118V | Teacher: Person who hurt re-NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118W | Employer: Person who hurt r-NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118X | Other: Person who hurt resp-NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118Y | Respondent was not hurt by -NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118XA | Stranger: Person who hurt r-NA | ||
D118XB | Other female in-law/family:-NA | ||
D118XC | Other male in-law/family: P-NA | ||
D118XD | Friend: Person who hurt res-NA | ||
D118XE | Police: Person who hurt res-NA | Has any one ever hit, slapped, kicked, or done anything else to you were pregnant? (IF YES) Who has done any of these things to physically hurt you while you were pregnant? Anyone else? | |
D118XF | Religious leader: Person wh-NA | ||
D118XG | Lawyer: Person who hurt res-NA | ||
D118XH | Doctor: Person who hurt res-NA | ||
D118XI | CS: Person who hurt respond-NA | ||
D118XJ | CS: Person who hurt respond-NA | ||
D118XK | CS: Person who hurt respond-NA | ||
D119A | Husband/partner: Person res-NA | ||
D119B | Mother: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119C | Father: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119D | Daughter: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119E | Son: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119F | Sister: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119G | Brother: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119H | Own family: Person responde-NA | Thinking about what you yourself have experienced among the different things we have been talking about, have you ever tried to seek help to stop (the/these) person(s) from doing this to you again? (IF YES) From whom have you sought help? Anyone else? | |
D119I | Husband/partner family: Per-NA | Thinking about what you yourself have experienced among the different things we have been talking about, have you ever tried to seek help to stop (the/these) person(s) from doing this to you again? (IF YES) From whom have you sought help? Anyone else? | |
D119J | Current/former husband/part-NA | Thinking about what you yourself have experienced among the different things we have been talking about, have you ever tried to seek help to stop (the/these) person(s) from doing this to you again? (IF YES) From whom have you sought help? Anyone else? | |
D119K | Current/former boyfriend: Person respondent went to seek help | Thinking about what you yourself have experienced among the different things we have been talking about, have you ever tried to seek help to stop (the/these) person(s) from doing this to you again? (IF YES) From whom have you sought help? Anyone else? | |
D119L | Former boyfriend alone: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119M | Step-mother: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119N | Step-father: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119O | Mother-in-law: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119P | Father-in-law: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119Q | Other female in-law: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119R | Other male in-law: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119S | Female friend: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119T | Male friend: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119U | Neighbor: Person respondent-NA | Thinking about what you yourself have experienced among the different things we have been talking about, have you ever tried to seek help to stop (the/these) person(s) from doing this to you again? (IF YES) From whom have you sought help? Anyone else? | |
D119V | Teacher: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119W | Employer: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119X | Other: Person respondent went to seek help | Thinking about what you yourself have experienced among the different things we have been talking about, have you ever tried to seek help to stop (the/these) person(s) from doing this to you again? (IF YES) From whom have you sought help? Anyone else? | |
D119Y | Respondent did not seek help from anyone | ||
D119XA | Stranger: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119XB | Social service organization-NA | Thinking about what you yourself have experienced among the different things we have been talking about, have you ever tried to seek help to stop (the/these) person(s) from doing this to you again? (IF YES) From whom have you sought help? Anyone else? | |
D119XC | CS: Person respondent went -NA | ||
D119XD | Friend: Person respondent w-NA | Thinking about what you yourself have experienced among the different things we have been talking about, have you ever tried to seek help to stop (the/these) person(s) from doing this to you again? (IF YES) From whom have you sought help? Anyone else? | |
D119XE | Police: Person respondent went to seek help | Thinking about what you yourself have experienced among the different things we have been talking about, have you ever tried to seek help to stop (the/these) person(s) from doing this to you again? (IF YES) From whom have you sought help? Anyone else? | |
D119XF | Religious leader: Person re-NA | Thinking about what you yourself have experienced among the different things we have been talking about, have you ever tried to seek help to stop (the/these) person(s) from doing this to you again? (IF YES) From whom have you sought help? Anyone else? | |
D119XG | Lawyer: Person respondent w-NA | Thinking about what you yourself have experienced among the different things we have been talking about, have you ever tried to seek help to stop (the/these) person(s) from doing this to you again? (IF YES) From whom have you sought help? Anyone else? | |
D119XH | Doctor: Person respondent w-NA | Thinking about what you yourself have experienced among the different things we have been talking about, have you ever tried to seek help to stop (the/these) person(s) from doing this to you again? (IF YES) From whom have you sought help? Anyone else? | |
D119XI | Late/ex husband, ex-partner: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D119XJ | CS: Person respondent went -NA | ||
D119XK | Neighbor/community member: Person respondent went to seek help | ||
D120 | Main reason never sought he-NA | ||
D121 | Respondent's father ever be-NA | As far as you know, did your father ever beat your mother? | |
D122A | Interview interrupted: husb-NA | ||
D122B | Interview interrupted: othe-NA | ||
D122C | Interview interrupted: adul-NA | ||
D123 | First sex was wanted or for-NA | The first time you had sexual intercourse, would you say that you had it because you wanted to, or because you were forced to have it against your will? | |
D124 | Ever forced to have sex by anyone other than husband/partner in last 12 months | IF EVER MARRIED/LIVED WITH A MAN ASK: In the last 12 months, has anyone other than your (current/last) husband/partner forced you to have sexual intercourse against your will? IF NEVER MARRIED/NEVER LIVED WITH A MAN ASK: In the last 12 months, has anyone forced you to have sexual intercourse against your will? | |
D125 | Ever forced to perform unwa-NA | At any time in your life, as a child or as an adult, has anyone ever forced you in any way to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts? | |
D126 | Age at first forced sexual act | How old were you the first first time you were forced to have sexual intercourse or perform any other sexual acts? | |
D127 | Person who forced respondent into first sexual act | Who was the person who was forcing you at that time? | |
D128 | Ever told anyone else about violence | Have you ever told any one else about this? | |
D129 | Respondent afraid of husban-NA | ||
D130A | Previous husband: ever hit,-NA | ||
D130B | Previous husband: physicall-NA | ||
G100 | Ever heard of female circum-NA | Have you ever heard of female circumcision? | |
G101 | Ever heard of genital cutti-NA | In some countries, there is a practice in which a girl may have part of her genitals cut. Have you ever heard about this practice? | |
G102 | Respondent circumcised -NA | Have you yourself ever been circumcised? | |
G103 | Flesh removed from genital -NA | Now I would like to ask you what was done to you at that time. Was any flesh removed from the genital area? | |
G104 | Genital area just nicked wi-NA | Was the genital area just nicked without removing any flesh? | |
G105 | Genital area sewn closed -NA | Was your genital area sewn closed? | |
G106 | Age at circumcision (in yea-NA | How old were you when you were circumcised? | |
G107 | Person who performed circum-NA | Who performed the circumcision? | |
G108 | Number of daughters circumc-NA | Have any of your daughters been circumcised? (IF YES) How many? | |
G109 | Line number of daughter mos-NA | Which of your daughters was circumcised most recently? | |
G110 | Flesh removed from genital -NA | Now I would like to ask you what was done to (NAME OF THE DAUGHTER (corresponds to G110)) at that time? Was any flesh removed from her genital area? | |
G111 | Genital area of daughter ju-NA | Was her genital area just nicked without removing any flesh? | |
G112 | Genital area of daughter se-NA | Was her genital area sewn closed? | |
G113 | Age of daughter at circumci-NA | How old was (NAME OF THE DAUGHTER (corresponds to G110)) when this was done? | |
Total variable(s):
871 |