Niveau d'instruction (P17)
File: PUMS Individual
Type: Discrete
Format: numeric
Width: 2
Decimals: 0
Range: 4-99
Valid cases: 213958 (4278960.9)
Invalid: 185059 (3701048)
Minimum: 4
Maximum: 99
Questions and instructions
All individual households
Literal question
Which level did/has ........successfully complete(d) in school?
Post question
If the recorded response is:

1. PR0-8 -> P20
2. PP1- 3 -> P21
3. FP1- 3 -> P21
4. FT1- 3 -> P21
5. EG1- 3 -> P21
4 1 20 0.0%
10 6312 126234 3.0%
11 26780 535572 12.5%
12 26585 531674 12.4%
13 30258 605132 14.1%
14 29118 582332 13.6%
15 24633 492640 11.5%
16 31611 632184 14.8%
17 4841 96815 2.3%
18 7900 157989 3.7%
21 638 12759 0.3%
22 861 17219 0.4%
23 2824 56476 1.3%
31 387 7740 0.2%
32 241 4820 0.1%
33 527 10540 0.2%
34 885 17699 0.4%
35 1182 23639 0.6%
36 2047 40938 1.0%
37 69 1380 0.0%
41 391 7820 0.2%
42 121 2420 0.1%
43 291 5820 0.1%
44 230 4600 0.1%
45 134 2680 0.1%
46 205 4100 0.1%
47 18 360 0.0%
51 2656 53119 1.2%
52 3283 65659 1.5%
53 2348 46960 1.1%
54 878 17561 0.4%
55 870 17400 0.4%
56 1376 27522 0.6%
57 33 660 0.0%
61 410 8200 0.2%
62 355 7100 0.2%
63 253 5060 0.1%
64 241 4820 0.1%
65 141 2820 0.1%
66 78 1560 0.0%
67 38 760 0.0%
68 11 220 0.0%
69 26 520 0.0%
99 Non déterminé 1871 37419 0.9%
Sysmiss 185059 3701048