Rwanda - Enterprise Survey 2006
Reference ID | RWA_2006_ES_v01_M_WB |
Year | 2006 |
Country | Rwanda |
Producer(s) | World Bank |
Sponsor(s) | World Bank - - |
Metadata |
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Created on
Jul 20, 2013
Last modified
Aug 12, 2014
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Data File: Rwanda2006_manufacturing_clean
Content | The file contains the raw, clean database. Summary of indicators for Rwanda 2006 Enterprise Survey can be found in "Rwanda Country Profile 2006" (p. 13-14) in "Reports" folder. |
Cases | 59 |
Variable(s) | 318 |
Producer | World Bank |
Notes | Some special codes are used in the data set: -99 "Refused to answer"; -88 "Not provided"; -77 "Not applicable"; -66 "Do not know"; -44 "Skip." |
Name | Label | Question | |
country | |||
idstd | |||
idquest | IDQuest | ||
callback | Callback | ||
city | City | ||
reg | Region | ||
intcode | Interviewer | ||
industry | Industry | ||
sampsize | Sample size | ||
screensi | Screener size | ||
sampstra | Sample stratum | ||
screenst | Screener stratum | ||
stratmat | Stratum Match | ||
zone | Zone | ||
multiest | Part of a larger firm? | ||
fins | Does your establishment maintain financial information ... ? | ||
super | Supervisor | ||
startmon | Month | ||
startday | Day | ||
starthou | Hour | ||
startmin | Minutes | ||
startamp | AM/PM | ||
b1 | Current legal status | What is the current legal status of your firm? | |
b1x | Other (legal status) | What is the current legal status of your firm? | |
b2a | % - private domestic individuals, companies or orgs | What percentage of your firm is owned by: | |
b2b | % - private foreign individuals, companies or orgs | What percentage of your firm is owned by: | |
b2c | Govn't/State | What percentage of your firm is owned by: | |
b2d | Other | What percentage of your firm is owned by: | |
b3a | What percentage does the largest shareholder(s) own? | What percentage of this firm does the largest shareholder(s) own? | |
b3b1 | - Female? | Are any of the principal owners: | |
b3b2 | - Of African origin? | Are any of the principal owners: | |
b3b3 | - Of Indian origin? | Are any of the principal owners: | |
b3b4 | - Of Lebanese or Middle Eastern origin? | Are any of the principal owners: | |
b3b5 | - Of other Asian origin? | Are any of the principal owners: | |
b3b6 | - Of European or Caucasian origin? | Are any of the principal owners: | |
b3b7 | - Of other ethnic origin? | Are any of the principal owners: | |
b4a | What is the highest level of education of the top manager? | What is the highest level of education of the top manager? | |
b4b | How many years of experience ... does the top manager have? | How many years has the top manager worked: In a managerial function in this sector? | |
b4c | In what year did this establishment begin operations in this | In what year did this establishment begin operations in this country? | |
c1a | - Manufacturing? | In 2005, what percentage of this establishment’s sales came from the following activities: | |
c1b | - Services? | In 2005, what percentage of this establishment’s sales came from the following activities: | |
c1c | - Other? | In 2005, what percentage of this establishment’s sales came from the following activities: | |
c1cx | Specify: | In 2005, what percentage of this establishment’s sales came from the following activities: | |
c2a1 | - Paid for before delivery? | What percentage of your establishment’s sales were: | |
c2a2 | - Paid for on delivery? | What percentage of your establishment’s sales were: | |
c2a3 | - Paid for after delivery? | What percentage of your establishment’s sales were: | |
c2b | What % of total sales came from selling intermediate product | What percentage of this establishment’s total sales came from selling intermediate products and services used as inputs in purchasers’ production processes? | |
c2c | What % of total payments received were non-cash payments thr | What percentage of the total payments you received were in the form of non-cash payments through the formal financial sector (checks, direct deposits, or credit cards)? | |
c2d | Approx. what % of total output went to principal buyer? | Approximately, what percentage of this establishment’s total output went to its principal buyer? | |
c2e | Who was the principal buyer for establishment's output? | Who was the principal buyer for this establishment’s output? | |
c3a1 | First: | In 2005, what were this establishment’s 2 main products represented by the largest proportion of annual sales? | |
c3a2 | ISIC 1 | In 2005, what were this establishment’s 2 main products represented by the largest proportion of annual sales? | |
c3a3 | Percentage of sales 1 | In 2005, what were this establishment’s 2 main products represented by the largest proportion of annual sales? | |
c3b1 | Second: | In 2005, what were this establishment’s 2 main products represented by the largest proportion of annual sales? | |
c3b2 | ISIC 2 | In 2005, what were this establishment’s 2 main products represented by the largest proportion of annual sales? | |
c3b3 | Percentage of sales 2 | In 2005, what were this establishment’s 2 main products represented by the largest proportion of annual sales? | |
c4a | E-mail? | In its communications with clients and suppliers, does your establishment currently use: | |
c4b | It's own website? | In its communications with clients and suppliers, does your establishment currently use: | |
c5a | What was its main market? | For 2005, considering this establishment’s main product line: | |
c5b | What was its local market share? | For 2005, considering this establishment’s main product line: | |
c5c | What was its national market share? | For 2005, considering this establishment’s main product line: | |
c5d1 | How would you describe the change in your sales? | For 2005, considering this establishment’s main market for its main product line: | |
c5d2 | How would you describe the change in your prices? | For 2005, considering this establishment’s main market for its main product line: | |
c5d3 | How many competitors did you face? | For 2005, considering this establishment’s main market for its main product line: | |
c5d4 | How many new competitors entered the market? | For 2005, considering this establishment’s main market for its main product line: | |
c6a | National sales | In 2005, what percentage of your establishment’s sales were: | |
c6b | Direct exports | In 2005, what percentage of your establishment’s sales were: | |
c6b1 | In what year did you begin exporting directly? | In what year did you begin exporting directly? | |
c6b2a | Neighbouring countries within Sub-saharan Africa | What percentage of this establishment's direct export sales were to: | |
c6b2b | Developed countries | What percentage of this establishment's direct export sales were to: | |
c6b2c | Other | What percentage of this establishment's direct export sales were to: | |
c6b3a1 | Name country 1: | Main destination countries as a % of your direct exports: | |
c6b3a2 | Percentage 1 | Main destination countries as a % of your direct exports: | |
c6b3b1 | Name country 2: | Main destination countries as a % of your direct exports: | |
c6b3b2 | Percentage 2 | Main destination countries as a % of your direct exports: | |
c6c | Indirect exports | In 2005, what percentage of your establishment’s sales were: | |
c6c1 | In what year did you begin exporting indirectly? | In what year did you begin exporting indirectly? | |
c7a | What percentage used an outside clearing agent? | If you exported directly in 2005, | |
c7b | What percentage of containers were inspected? | If you exported directly in 2005, | |
c7c | What percentage was lost - breakage or spoilage | If you exported directly in 2005, | |
c7d | What percentage was lost - theft | If you exported directly in 2005, | |
c7e | Main point of exit | If you exported directly in 2005, | |
c7f | Type of point of exit | If you exported directly in 2005, | |
c7fx | Other (point of exit): | If you exported directly in 2005, | |
c7g1 | Average number of days to clear customs | What was the average number of days it took you to clear customs? | |
c7g2 | Longest number of days to clear customs | What was the longest number of days it took you to clear customs? | |
c7g3 | Cost to clear customs as a % of value | What was the total cost to clear customs for a typical consignment as a percentage of the consignment value? (Please include payments to clearing agents, storage fees, container handling fees, and gifts or informal payments to customs officials) | |
c8a1 | Suspension or exemption from duties - imports | In 2005, did your establishment benefit from any of the following export or investment incentive schemes: | |
c8a2 | Profit tax exemption | In 2005, did your establishment benefit from any of the following export or investment incentive schemes: | |
c8a3 | VAT reimbursement | In 2005, did your establishment benefit from any of the following export or investment incentive schemes: | |
c8a4 | Export financing scheme | In 2005, did your establishment benefit from any of the following export or investment incentive schemes: | |
c8a5 | Other | In 2005, did your establishment benefit from any of the following export or investment incentive schemes: | |
c8a5x | Specify: | In 2005, did your establishment benefit from any of the following export or investment incentive schemes: | |
c8b | Main reson for not using benefits | If this establishment did not take advantage of any of the benefits listed above, what is the main reason? | |
c8bx | Specify: | If this establishment did not take advantage of any of the benefits listed above, what is the main reason? | |
d1a1 | - Of domestic origin? | In 2005, what percentage of your establishment’s material inputs and/or supplies were: | |
d1a2 | - Of foreign origin? | In 2005, what percentage of your establishment’s material inputs and/or supplies were: | |
d1b1 | Did you import any of your inputs/supplies directly in 2005? | Did you import any of your material inputs and/or supplies directly in 2005? | |
d1b2 | - What was the average number of days it took ... from cust | What was the average number of days that it took you to claim the goods from customs? | |
d1b3 | - What was the longest number of days if took ... from custo | What was the longest number of days that it took you to claim the goods from customs? | |
Total variable(s):
318 |