Rwanda - Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability Analysis 2021
Reference ID | RWA-NISR-CFSVA-2021-v01 |
Year | 2021 |
Country | Rwanda |
Producer(s) | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) - Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MINECOFIN) |
Sponsor(s) | Government of Rwanda - GoR - Funding European Union - EU - Funding USAID - USAID - Funding UNICEF - UNICEF - Funding WFP - WFP - Funding Japan International Cooperation Agency - JICA - Funding Swiss agency for Development an |
Metadata | Documentation in PDF |
Created on
Sep 01, 2023
Last modified
Sep 04, 2023
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Data File: CFSVAHH2021_UNDER_5_ChildWithMother
Cases | 1690 |
Variable(s) | 134 |
Name | Label | Question | |
index | _parent_index | ||
S13_01_3 | Child date of birth | ||
S13_01_4 | Child age in months | ||
S13_01_5 | Child sex | ||
S13_02 | Primary Caregiver of Child | ||
S13_03 | Respondent's relationship with child? | ||
S13_04 | Child's mother | ||
mother_education | Child mother Education level | ||
mother_read_and_write | Child mother Read and write | ||
mother_disability | Child mother disability | ||
mother_marital_status | Child mother marital status | ||
S13_05 | Is [Name] currently present for interview and anthropometric measurement? | ||
S13_06 | When born, how big in Kg was [Name], refer to the child growth card? | ||
S13_07 | Since September 2020 (last 6 months), has [NAME] received vit A drops? (show the | ||
S13_08 | During last six months, did [Name] receive deworming tablets? | ||
S13_09 | Has [Name] had illness with fever during last two weeks? | ||
S13_10 | Has [Name] had illness with cough during last two weeks? | ||
S13_11 | Has [Name] had illness with diarrhea during last two weeks? | ||
S13_11_2 | During the last 2 weeks when [Name] had diarrhea, how did you treat it? | ||
S13_11_2_SMT_1 | During the last 2 weeks when [Name] had diarrhea, how did you treat it? - Was gi | ||
S13_11_2_SMT_2 | During the last 2 weeks when [Name] had diarrhea, how did you treat it? - Was gi | ||
S13_11_2_SMT_3 | During the last 2 weeks when [Name] had diarrhea, how did you treat it? - Was fr | ||
S13_11_2_SMT_4 | During the last 2 weeks when [Name] had diarrhea, how did you treat it? - Was gi | ||
S13_11_2_SMT_5 | During the last 2 weeks when [Name] had diarrhea, how did you treat it? - Was gi | ||
S13_11_2_SMT_6 | During the last 2 weeks when [Name] had diarrhea, how did you treat it? - Was gi | ||
S13_11_2_SMT_7 | During the last 2 weeks when [Name] had diarrhea, how did you treat it? - Was zi | ||
S13_11_2_SMT_8 | During the last 2 weeks when [Name] had diarrhea, how did you treat it? - Was gi | ||
S13_11_2_SMT_88 | During the last 2 weeks when [Name] had diarrhea, how did you treat it? - Nothin | ||
S13_11_2_2 | Please specify what other treatment were… | ||
S13_12 | During last two weeks when [Name] was sick, did s/he see any healthcare provider | ||
S13_13 | Does [Name] have his/her hands washed before eating/meal | ||
S13_14 | Did [Name] sleep under a mosquito net last night? | ||
AS13_15 | Was [Name] breastfed yesterday during day or at night? | ||
AS13_15_2 | Has [Name]ever been breastfed? | ||
AS13_15_2_1 | . Why did you stop breastfeeding? | ||
AS13_15_2_0 | . Other reasons(Specify) | ||
AS13_15_3 | How long after birth did you first put [Name]to the breast after birth? | ||
BS13_15 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [Name] drink Plain water | ||
CS13_15 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [Name] drink any drinks made with Infant | ||
CS13_15_2 | How many times did [Name] consume this Infant formula | ||
DS13_15 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [Name] drink any Milk made from tinned, | ||
DS13_15_2 | How many times did [Name] consume Milk (tinned, powdered, fresh | ||
ES13_15 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [Name] drink any juice or juice drinks, | ||
FS13_15 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [Name] drink any clear broth | ||
GS13_15 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [Name] drink any sour milk or yogurt | ||
HS13_15 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [Name] drink any fortified blended foods | ||
HS13_15_2 | How many times did [Name] consume FBF (shisha kibondo)? | ||
IS13_15 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [Name] drink any other FBF (Sosoma, Noot | ||
JS13_15 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [Name] drink any thin porridge, for exam | ||
KS13_15 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [Name] drinkTea or coffee with milk | ||
LS13_15 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [Name] drink any other water-based liqui | ||
MS13_15 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [Name] drink anything from a bottle with | ||
MS13_15_1 | Has your child's [Name] food consumption changed because of Covid19 pandemic? | ||
MS13_17 | . Has the frequency of food consumption of your child [Name] changed because of | ||
AS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any Porridge, bread, ri | ||
BS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any White potatoes, whi | ||
BS13_16_1 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any fats including vege | ||
CS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any Legumes and nuts (A | ||
DS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any Milk, Cheese, yogur | ||
ES13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any Liver, kidney, hear | ||
FS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any meat, such as beef, | ||
GS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any Fresh or dried fish | ||
HS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any Eggs | ||
IS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any Vit A rich vegetabl | ||
JS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any dark green leafy ve | ||
KS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any Ripe mangoes, ripe | ||
LS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any other fruits or veg | ||
MS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any Foods made with red | ||
NS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any shisha kibondo? | ||
OS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any other FBF (e.g. sos | ||
PS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any RUTF (e.g. Plumpy'N | ||
QS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any bio-fortied solid, | ||
RS13_16 | Yesterday, during the day or night, did [child name] eat any food to which you a | ||
S13_17 | Yesteday, during day or night how many times did [child name] eat solid, semisol | ||
S13_18 | Is [child name] enrolled in Shisha Kibondo? | ||
S13_19 | Is [child name] enrolled in any supplementary feeding programme? | ||
S13_19_2 | If any, which supplementary feeding programme? | ||
S13_20 | Does [child name] present any disability preventing him or her from being measur | ||
S13_20_SMT_0 | Does [child name] present any disability preventing him or her from being measur | ||
S13_20_SMT_1 | Does [child name] present any disability preventing him or her from being measur | ||
S13_20_SMT_2 | Does [child name] present any disability preventing him or her from being measur | ||
S13_20_SMT_3 | Does [child name] present any disability preventing him or her from being measur | ||
S13_20_SMT_4 | Does [child name] present any disability preventing him or her from being measur | ||
muac | Child MUAC in milmeters | ||
oedema | Does [child name] present bilateral pitting (edema)? | ||
weight | Child's weight | ||
height | Child's height in cm | ||
WAZ | Weight for Age Z-Score | ||
HAZ | Height for Age Z-Score | ||
WHZ | Weight for Height Z-Score | ||
Wasting | Wasting | ||
Stunting | Stunting | ||
Underweight | Underweight | ||
minimumDietaryDiversity | Min dietary diversity | ||
minimumMealFrequency | Minimum Meal Frequency | ||
atLeast2Milk | At least 2 milk feeds | ||
minimumAcceptableDiet | Minimum Acceptable Diet | ||
ageCat | Age category | ||
S0_B_DATE | Interview date | ||
S0_C_Prov | Province | ||
Total variable(s):
134 |