Rwanda - Vision 2020 Umurenge Program, Baseline Survey 2008
Reference ID | RWA-NISR-VUP-2008-v01 |
Year | 2008 |
Country | Rwanda |
Producer(s) | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda - MINECOFIN |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Local Governance - MINALOC - Financial assistance National Institrute of Statistics of Rwanda - NISR - Technical assistance |
Created on
Aug 03, 2012
Last modified
Aug 03, 2012
Page views
- Exp_food_26_03_09f
- Expenditure_NO_consu
_ALL - VUP_31_01_09_A_MEMBE
ING - VUP_31_01_09_A_Witho
s_Group1_2_3_4_Final - VUP_INCOME_All
T - Code_Weight_Comm_07_
05_09 - Comm_07_05_09_s2
- Comm_07_05_09_s5
File | Description | Cases | Variables |
Exp_food_26_03_09f | This contains the data related to household consumption expenditure (expenditure on food) | 2357 | 16 |
Expenditure_NO_consumption | Data related to Expenditure consumption. | 2357 | 13 |
EXPENDITURE_NON_FOOD_ALL | Data related to household expenditure on communication,housing, transport,restaurants and hotels etc. | 2357 | 25 |
VUP_31_01_09_A_MEMBER_EDUCATION_HEALTH_OTHERS_GROUP_FOR_WORKING | The file contains data related to the: -Househols characteristics of members listed, -Education (To be asked for those household members with at least 3 years old) -Health: Health Issues, desease prevention and children vaccination -Household income from different activities | 9551 | 118 |
VUP_31_01_09_A_Without_tables_VUP_Sectors_Group1_2_3_4_Final | The file contains data related to the questions asked to the Head of Household about employment (income generating activities), housing characteristics and status and household condition and infrastractures. | 2357 | 34 |
VUP_INCOME_All | Data related to VUP income (agriculture, transfers, non agriculture, properties and salary). | 2357 | 18 |
VUP_NUM_MEMBERS_ADULT | Data related to the household members (adult) | 2357 | 14 |
Code_Weight_Comm_07_05_09 | 20 | 4 | |
Comm_07_05_09_s2 | Data related to the commuity questions | 424 | 13 |
Comm_07_05_09_s5 | Data related to the community development | 1378 | 17 |
COMM_SANS_TABLES_07_05_09 | Data related to the community questionnaire based on identification, living conditions characteristics and employment, economy, development of infrastructures and environment,education and health. | 106 | 64 |