Rwanda - Vision 2020 Umurenge Program, Baseline Survey 2008
Reference ID | RWA-NISR-VUP-2008-v01 |
Year | 2008 |
Country | Rwanda |
Producer(s) | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda - MINECOFIN |
Sponsor(s) | Ministry of Local Governance - MINALOC - Financial assistance National Institrute of Statistics of Rwanda - NISR - Technical assistance |
Created on
Aug 03, 2012
Last modified
Aug 03, 2012
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- Exp_food_26_03_09f
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_ALL - VUP_31_01_09_A_MEMBE
ING - VUP_31_01_09_A_Witho
s_Group1_2_3_4_Final - VUP_INCOME_All
T - Code_Weight_Comm_07_
05_09 - Comm_07_05_09_s2
- Comm_07_05_09_s5
Data File: COMM_SANS_TABLES_07_05_09
Content | Data related to the community questionnaire based on identification, living conditions characteristics and employment, economy, development of infrastructures and environment,education and health. |
Cases | 106 |
Variable(s) | 64 |
Version | . |
Producer | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda |
Name | Label | Question | |
ID1 | Province | Province | |
ID2 | District | District | |
ID3 | Sector | Sector | |
ID4 | Cell | Cell | |
ID5 | Code of data entry operator | No ID of data entry operator | |
S0Q1 | Name of data enty operator | Name of data enty operator | |
SOQ2 | Province | Province | |
S0Q3 | District | District | |
S0Q4 | Sector | Sector | |
S1Q1A | How many people are living in this cell? (Number of population) | How many people are living in this cell? (Number of population | |
S1Q1B | How many households are there in your cell? (Number of households) | How many households are there in your cell? (Number of households) | |
S1Q2 | Are there children 5 to 17 who are working for cash in this cell | Are there children 5 to 17 who are working for cash in this cell? | |
S1Q3 | Is there in your cell a phenomenon of people who migrate to look for job opportunities according to seasons of the year? | Is there in your cell a phenomenon of people who migrate to look for job opportunities according to seasons of the year? | |
S1Q4 | Are there people who are in-migrate to your cell to look for temporary job opportunities according to seasons of the year | Are there people who are in-migrate to your cell to look for temporary job opportunities according to seasons of the year? | |
S2Q1 | The first main occupation | What are the 3 majors income generating acivities (employment) In your cell? (List them according to revenue importance ) | |
S2Q1A | Code | Code | |
S2Q1B | The second main occupation | What are the 3 majors income generating acivities (employment) In your cell? (List them according to revenue importance ) | |
S2Q1C | code | Code | |
S2Q1D | The third main occupation | What are the 3 majors income generating acivities (employment) in your cell? (List them according to revenue importance ) | |
S2Q1E | code | Code | |
S2Q2 | Is there a main road passing through this cell ? | Is there a main road passing through this cell ? | |
S2Q3 | Is it, at any time, impractible due to landslide or the bridge is broken? | Is it, at any time, impractible due to landslide or the bridge is broken? | |
S2Q4A | In general how long does it take in months? | In general how long does it take in months? | |
S2Q4B | What are the major reasons behind? | What are the major reasons behind? | |
S2Q5 | How far (distance) is your cell vis-à-vis to the nearest main road? | How far (distance) is your cell vis-à-vis to the nearest main road? | |
S2Q6 | . What are the main sources of water used by the population? | What are the main sources of water used by the population? | |
S2Q7 | How far (distance) do people of this cell make to go to look for water? (in meters) | How far (distance) do people of this cell make to go to look for water? (in meters) | |
S2Q8 | How long (in time) does it take? (In minutes) | How long (in time) does it take? (In minutes) | |
S2Q9 | Does your cell use electricity? | Does your cell have electricity? | |
S2Q10 | What are the main sources of light in your cell ? | What are the main sources of energy in your cell ? | |
S2Q11 | Is there a daily or once a week market in your cell ? | Is there a daily or once a week market in your cell ? | |
S2Q12 | How far (distance) is the market from your cell | How far (distance) is the market from your cell | |
S2Q13 | How long (time) does it take to go to that market (time in minutes)? | How long (time) does it take to go to that market (time in minutes)? | |
S2Q14 | Do you have in general, any means of collecting wastages/ sewages in this cell (government company, private company? | Do you have in general, any means of collecting wastages/ sewages in this cell (government company, private company? | |
S2Q15 | . In general, where do the households put their solid and liquid wastages? | In general, where do the households put their solid and liquid wastages? | |
S2Q16 | Would your people accept to pay the service of collecting the wastages for them? | Would your people accept to pay the service of collecting the wastages for them? | |
S2Q17 | How much can a household accept to | How much can a household accept to pay? | |
S2Q18 | Is there any sports ground in your cell? | Is there any sports ground in your cell? | |
S2Q19 | How far is the farest household (distance | How far is the farest household (distance in meters)? | |
S2Q20 | How long (time) does it take (in minutes)? | How long (time) does it take (in minutes)? | |
S3Q1 | Are there primary schools in this cell? | Are there primary schools in this cell? | |
S3Q2 | How many primary schools are there? | How many primary schools are there? | |
S3Q3 | How far (distance) is the nearest primary school? | How far (distance) is the nearest primary school? | |
S3Q4 | . How long (time) does it take (for pupils) to reach there? (time in minutes) | How long (time) does it take (for pupils) to reach there? (time in minutes) | |
S3Q5 | Are there school-age children who do not go to school in this cell? | Are there school-age children who do not go to school in this cell? | |
S3Q6 | What are the main reasons behind that? | What are the main reasons behind that? | |
S3Q7 | Is there any programme of teaching, how to read and write, in this cell? | Is there any programme of teaching, how to read and write,in this cell? | |
S3Q8 | How many people do participate? | How many people do participate? | |
S4Q1 | Is there any health center or dispensary in this cell? | Is there any health center or dispensary in this cell? | |
S4Q2 | How far is the nearest health center or dispensary from your cell | How far is the nearest health center or dispensary from your cell? | |
S4Q3 | How long does it take to reach there? (in minutes) | How long does it take to reach there?(in minutes) | |
S4Q4 | Is there any traditional healer in this cell | Is there any traditional healer in this cell? | |
S4Q5 | Is there any traditional birth attendant in this cell? | Is there any traditional birth attendant in this cell? | |
S4Q6 | Is there any pharmacy in this cell? | Is there any pharmacy in this cell? | |
S4Q7 | How far is the nearest pharmacy? | How far is the nearest pharmacy? | |
S4Q8 | How long does it take to reach there? (In minutes) | How long does it take to reach there? (In minutes) | |
S4Q9 | The first main desease | What are the main diseases diagnosed at the health facilities in your cell? | |
S4Q9A | The second main desease | What are the main diseases diagnosed at the health facilities in your cell? | |
S4Q9B | The third msim desease | What are the main diseases diagnosed at the health facilities in your cell? | |
S4Q10 | Are the all the households in this cell in the mutual health scheme | Are the all the households in this cell in the mutual health scheme? | |
Code_Sector | |||
Names_Sectors | |||
VUP_Sector | |||
Weight | |||
Total variable(s):
64 |